
Как Китай изменил меня
www.fernweh.cn   08-05-2014 Избранное Отправить Исправить Шрифт: a a a

How has China changed me?

Editor's note: Living in a foreign country can be exciting, but it also has huge impacts on your life. In fact, you will probably never be the same or see things the same way again. Most of the changes occur subconsciously and you won't even realize them until you go back to your home country. One of bloggers from the US reflected on the changes that have come from living in China.

1. Dress more conservatively

Chinese students dress much more conservatively than American students. I learned that you can look cute and fashionable without being provocative.

2. My political views are more broad

I used to have very "American" political views: democracy is the best, freedom and equality for all, and communism is not functional. To an extent, I still believe this, but I have learned that different political systems can work for different countries and different cultures. I still think that democracy is the best political system for America, but coming to China and seeing that it is a well-functioning society with normal problems just like every other country, I learned that my views shouldn't be so narrow.

3. Smile less

It is rare for Chinese people to smile. In America, I am used to smiling at everyone: strangers on the street, shopkeepers, cashiers, etc. In China, however, this is not so common and I got tired of not having my friendliness returned so I just stopped.

4. Do what I want, when I want

In a sense, the Chinese have more freedom than Americans. In public parks, you constantly see Chinese people, young and old, practicing musical instruments, dancing, doing tai chi, studying, etc. In America, it would be considered very weird to do these "private" activities in public. I love that in China people feel free to do what they want in public places.

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