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www.fernweh.cn   12-05-2014 Избранное Отправить Исправить Шрифт: a a a

Seven false stereotypes about the Chinese

Editor's note: Grace Jacobsen, our blogger from the United States, offers her version of incorrect Chinese stereotypes.


Despite the fact that I spent a good deal of time growing up in Asia, I still had some preconceived notions about China before moving here. After a year of living in good, ol’ Beijing, I thought I would share with you my now debunked stereotypes.

1. Chinese people are only good at math and science

Everyone just knows Chinese kids are good at math and science. I am aware that we are also taught that Chinese education does not allow for free thought and creative thinking.

After working in the education system of Beijing for the past year, I can tell you it is not that black and white. I have so many students who love art, theater and music. I have students who hate math and science. Please don’t assume that just because they are Chinese they are all forced to be alike. They are individuals.

2. Chinese restaurants cook cats and dogs

I used to joke with my friends that when cats in our neighborhood started disappearing it meant the Chinese restaurant had fresh meat. I know, I’m a terrible person. I’m turning a new leaf though. Chinese food is amazing. I don’t care if it’s Americanized or the real deal – it’s just plain good. And, for the record, I have personally never had cat or dog in China.

3. Chinese people look exactly the same

I recognize that, in the United States, people look incredibly different from one another. We have different hair color, different eye color, different body types and different facial structure. When we look at someone of Asian ethnicity we might immediately think, “Wow! They all look so similar!”

What I have learned, though, is that we, foreigners, are looking for the wrong differences. Chinese people see different eye shapes, different hair styles and different shades of skin and hair color.

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